Saturday, March 21, 2009

Little Things I Love in India

There are many things about India that are hard--more importantly there are many things to love, particularly little things.  I will enumerate a few of these and illustrate with pictures if I can.

I love the way our driver Mani shows his displeasure when another driver does something really dumb.  Instead of using an obscene gesture (which I have never seen in India), or shaking a fist, or using a foul word, he lifts his left arm and gives a little twist to his hand with his fingers extended.  It looks so nice, but he's indicating "dumb" to the other driver.

I love our bug zapper--maybe we have these in the States, but I have never seen one.  You plug it into your outlet and when it is charged you switch it on and press a little button.  It has wires that have a charge and if a fly or mosquito fly into it, it makes a loud popping sound and that's it!  Good way to practice both your back hand and forehand for tennis or badminton.

I love our Security Guard that salutes us every time we pass him.  He use to click his heels also, but now he just salutes with a big smile, which is quite enough.

I loved watching Amy in the rice field so her photo could be taken with the beautiful green as a background.  Of course the rice field was wet and very muddy and she almost didn't return to the US--she did finally recover her shoes but they didn't look so great.  We really would have liked her to have stayed planted in the rice field--she looked great with her red skirt on.

I loved seeing our first "lady-fingers" (okra) from our garden.  It was a promise of more to come.

I love the designs the Indian ladies do for special occasions on the ground.  The one pictured was for Sports Day and was made with flowers and chalk.

I love the fact that boys play King of the Hill the world over.  All you need is a big pile of dirt and anyone can play. 

I also love little boys who pray so earnestly at mealtime they almost fall asleep. These children, regardless whether they pray to their Hindu God, Christian God, or Muslim God know where blessings come from and they are quick to express love and appreciation.  I hope I never forget to do the same. 

1 comment:

Amy Antonelli said...


I LOVE this post!!! (and not just because I cameoed, but thanks for that..:) It made me so homesick for all the little joys that India offers every day. It was a perfect picture of the happy things, and you are so great at noticing them. Love it, love you.-a